A soft summer arrives accompanied by the chirping cicadas. It's yet again the perfect season to get moving. Let's indulge in some light-hearted exercise, free from burden!
侨福芳草地联合城市户外文化品牌 PERCENTFREE,于城中绿洲举办为期一个月的夏日匹克球城市赛,让您在特别的运动体验中,拥抱沁凉、动感与活力。
Join Parkview Green FangCaoDi and PERCENTFREE as we host the thrilling summer Pickleball city tournament for an entire month in the heart of the city's oasis. Immerse yourself in a unique sports experience and embrace the invigorating freshness, energy, and vibrancy of midsummer.
As an emerging sport that's sweeping the globe, Pickleball combines elements from traditional games like tennis, badminton, and table tennis. It breathes new life into old rules, striking a balance between ease of play, leisure, family-friendly engagement, universal appeal, and social interaction.
Embrace the joy of sports with your companions and loved ones in the spacious and comfortable LG2 Central Piazza. Revel in the liberty of summer activities and share the fun. By participating and accumulating points, you could also earn delightful summer rewards!
Type of Game
下班欢打局 After-Work Games
Step out of the office and make your free time count on the court!
自由挥拍局 Freestyle Matches
Warm up before the game and bask in the joy of freestyle competition!
2V2 竞技赛 Competitive Matches
Team up for an exciting face-off in the thrilling 2v2 matches!
With the cool breeze at your side, dive into a summer filled with the endless thrill of Pickleball!
Kindly Reminder:
1. 为确保活动准时及顺利进行,请您于活动开始前 30 分钟到达 LG2 中庭进行签到,活动开始 30 分钟后停止入场;
2. 夏日炎炎,我们携手 PHILOSOPHY 健体之道为您准备了方便的淋浴设施。您可根据凭当日活动签到凭证前往位于 L3 层的 PHILOSOPHY健体之道,在前台工作人员指引下使用。
3. 出于对运动安全的考量,以下人群不适宜参加本次活动:
>> 6岁以下儿童;
>> 膝关节、踝关节损伤者;
>> 有既往心脏病史、高血压史或患有不适宜剧烈运动疾病者;
4. 建议您穿着宽松舒适的运动服饰,以及保护脚踝、防滑且舒适的运动鞋参与活动,谢绝穿着皮鞋、高跟鞋等鞋等不适宜运动的鞋子入场;
5. 活动过程中请您注意能量、水分补给,如遇身体不适,请立即停止运动,并寻求现场工作人员的帮助;
6. 活动现场设有物品临时存放区,请您遵从工作人员指引有序存放,并妥善保管好随身物品;
7. 请您全程注意安全,不要在活动区域内奔跑、打闹,并照顾好同行的儿童及老人。
1. Please check-in at LG2 Central Plazza 30 minues before the start of the game. The admission stops 30 minutes after the game begins;
2. In this scorching summer, Parkview Green FangCaoDi cooperates with PHILOSOPHY to provide convenient showering facilities for you. Present the activity check-in record of the day and head to the PHILOSOPHY on the L3 floor. Our receptionists will assist you in using the facilities.
3. Due to sports safety considerations, the following groups are not suitable to participate in this activity:
- Children under the age of 6;
- Knee and ankle injuries;
- Patients with hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
4. Please wear loose and comfortable sportswear, as well as ankle-protective, slip-resistant, and comfortable sports shoes for participation. Please avoid wearing shoes such as leather shoes or high heels that are unsuitable for sports.
5. During the game, please remember to replenish your energy and stay hydrated in time. If you feel any discomfort, please stop exercising immediately and seek assistance from the on-site staff.
6. The event venue has a temporary storage area for personal belongings. Please follow the instructions of the staff to store your belongings in an orderly manner and take good care of your items.
7. Your safety is our top priority. Please avoid playing or engaging in risky behaviors while playing or waiting in the designated area, and take care of the children and elderly accompanying you.