

2019年6月22日 10:00 ~ 2019年6月22日 13:00






     Why Behaviorism Art 


    Discovering Body Work


    During the course, our instructor will guide through abundant body knowledge to let the participants have an increasing understanding of our physical body and how it's connected to our inner emotions and feelings, to be truely aligned inside out. The content including contemporary movement techniques, drama/acting techniques, etc.



    Deepening Understanding of performance art


    Along with weekly courses, the participants gain a deeper understanding of performance through our own practice & action. How to express fully what we feel? How to represent & interpret what we think? The process is organic and dynamic, we share our different feelings and perspectives, and it's a wonder land to witness those triggers in performance art.



    Creativity Stimulation through Cocreation


    All weekly pieces are communal effort engaging each participant to contribute their ideas and understanding. The insight about life originally comes from all of us, and the instructor's role is to give guidance how to translate into our actions fully. Behaviorism welcome all different art forms and through which we inspire each other and create together.



    Empowerment inner-self through public art


    The highlightened part of this project is that it's not only happening inside the studio, but also being presented as public art. The action to showcase ourselves at the front, being observed and having the potential to be judged, is indeed the empowerment itself. To be daring souls to act our and voice out ourselves, it's a self-statement process, HERE I AM, BEING MYSELF.


    Presented by



     Project Details 

    时间 | Time

    Saturday 10:00 - 13:00

    每周六 10:00 - 13:00

    地点 | Location

    2/F, Building No.1, 718 Liyuan Rd

    close to Madang rd metro station | line 9/13


    靠近马当路地铁站 | 9/13号线

    语言 | Language

    双语 | Bilingual

    时段 | Break Down

    10:00 - 12:00 | behaviorism training 


    12:00 - 13:00 | Street Performance 


    费用 | Expenses 

    试课:50RMB/小时 * 3小时 = 150RMB

    单次课:80RMB/小时 * 3小时 = 240RMB

    12次卡:70RMB/小时 * 12小时 = 840RMB


    Trail Class: 50RMB/hr * 3hrs = 150RMB

    Drop-in: 80RMB/hr * 3hrs = 240RMB

    12Hr Package: 70RMB/hr * 12hrs = 840RMB

    经费流向 | Where these money goes

    1. 场地租赁

    2. 组织者激励

    3. 《上海的人们》纪录片融资


    1. Venue rental

    2. Organizers' incentives

    3. Humans in SH documentary funding

    click "read more" to know about documentary



     About Teacher 


    Maykol Cruz

     Maykol Cruz dances from the bottom of his heart, 

    breaking the stereotype of dancing 

    and creating his very own style 

    with world-class technique and iconic performance.

    • Participated in workshops with professionals such  : Mario Nascimento, Armando Pekeno (France), Martin Kravitz (France), Michelle Brown (France), Cristina Comini (Argentina), Angel Arambula (Mexico), Patricia Sejas (Bolivia), JaeDuk Kim (South corea),among others. | 曾与Mario Nascimento, Armando Pekeno (法国), Martin Kravitz (法国), Michelle Brown (法国), Cristina Comini (阿根廷), Angel Arambula (墨西哥), Patricia   Sejas (玻利维亚), JaeDuk Kim (韩国)等世界顶级专业舞者一起参与开展舞蹈研习班。

    • In 2014 first run “E5P31H0”, his first solo spectacle that was contemplated with "Edital Bolsa Cultura of the city hall of Votupoanga . Taught and gave workshops in many Brazil cities , Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia and France | 2014年,曾代表“E5P31H0”,在位于Votupoanga的市政厅表演独舞。并在巴西、墨西哥、阿根廷、玻利维亚和法国等多个城市教授舞蹈研习班。

    • Coordinated the Municipal Platform of  São José do Rio Preto in 2016. 2016年与里约热内卢São José do的多家市政机构合作。

    • Creator and Director of "Grupo ExPressão:  the project started in 2015 with a  regular class of contemporary dance students from the school of dance Almagemea in Votuporanga-SP. | 2015年与位于Votuporanga的Almagemea舞蹈学院的现代舞学生一起,建立了个人舞蹈工作室GrupoExPressão。

    •  In September 26 of 2015 the group was invited for the opening at the "SARAU do Núcleo dêiniciações as Artes Cênicas" (N.I.A.C) in Votuporanga. | 2015年9月26日,其个人舞蹈工作室受邀参加位于巴西Votuporanga的"SARAU do Núcleo dêiniciações as Artes Cênicas" (N.I.A.C)的开幕仪式。

    • In October 25 of 2015 the group presented two pieces of work (PROTESTO and SEU PERCURSO) at SESC -Rio Pretofor the project 'BREU' in which debuted his second work, especially created for this project. | 2015年10月25日,其个人舞蹈工作室在参加由“SESC -Rio Preto”主办的舞蹈比赛“BREU”,并呈现了他的两支原创 舞蹈:“PROTESTO”与“SEU PERCURSO”,其中第二支舞蹈“SEU PERCURSO”他第一次对公众演出。

    • Between November 2 and 7 of 2015 the group presented in three cities in Sao Paulo's interior with the spectacle that was invited for FIDESP - International dance forum of Sao Paulo. | 2015年11月2日到7日期间,其个人舞蹈工作室受邀参与圣保罗的国际舞蹈论坛——“FIDESP”,在圣保罗的三个城 市演出了原创舞蹈。



     About the Course 

    The graphic followed are Maykol & Maria's

    production all over the world

    文间图片为Maykol & Maria的


    • Have you ever wondered how important it is to express our emotions? Is holding back emotions good or bad? | 你有没有想过表达我们的情感有多重要?抑制情绪是好是坏?

    Undoubtedly expressing our feelings is a fundamental part of our lives. Whether with ourselves or the people around us, we will always be a sea of emotions. It is a great mistake to think that we should repress them. In fact, on the contrary, externalizing and expelling our emotions becomes a necessity once we have them. Impediments to the fluidity of emotions can cause us both physical and mental changes, not just good ones.



    platform of initiation for perform art, Brazil


    Objective | 目标

    • Work the dance in alternative spaces with the members of the laboratory aiming to deliver repertoire of movement and creation. | 与空间互动进行实验性舞蹈工作坊,激发动作和创作的潜能。

    • Serve as a platform for urban lives who are interested in initiating greater contact with dance in a simpler way. | 用简单但精髓的方式为更多城市人群提供一个与舞蹈连接的平台。

    • Create mini performances with the workshop members developed by them, dividing them into groups with teacher orientation. | 以小组为单位让所有成员一起创作小型表演。

    • Work the video lesson and videodance bringing videos of shows and performances of other groups such as encouragement and study, class recordings and moments of creation of the members of the workshop and then serve as diary and study material for the students themselves. | 课堂上互相制作排练视频,鼓励和学习研讨过程,激发并抓住成员的创作瞬间。

    • Create a performance with students that will be developed by the classroom experience itself. | 与课堂成分融合,学生与老师一起创作。


    Intervention in the Area, Bolivia


    Content | 教学内容

    • Principles of movement: breathing, balance, supports, postural dynamics | 舞蹈肢体原理:呼吸,平衡,支撑,姿势动力学。

    • Dance processes improvisation,choreographic composition, repertoires | 

    • 舞蹈成型过程:即兴、编舞、整体创作;

    • Socio-historical-cultural dimensions of dance and aesthetic aspects including history, ethnic studies, music, criticism and aesthetics | 舞蹈和美学方面的社会/历史/文化层面:包含历史、文化、音乐、批评与美学


    Gentlemen of Street, Brazil


    Methodology | 教学方法

    • Artistic experiences and contemporary dance exercises | 艺术经验和当代舞蹈练习;

    • Appreciation of live and video dance | 欣赏现场和视频舞蹈;

    • Discussions about the lived and appreciated | 关于深入生活主题的欣赏和讨论;


    Gentlemen of Street, France



    Previous Street Shots








    • Amao H.








    Life Improviser | 即兴人声

    Life Improviser | 即兴人声

    《即兴人生》是一个为所有都市人群提供创意生活方式的平台。“探索”是此平台永恒的主题,同时激励所有人都去自发创造和分享他们生活中的体验和经历。生活并不只是工作-购物-回家;生活可以被无尽的好奇心充满,每眨一眼都可以是一个新的世界。这是一座桥梁也是一个实验场,发起我们内心的共鸣,无论是专业或非专业,一起去体验从未经历过的新事物新创想。这是所有分享者可以参与其中,参与这个动态转换的分享平台。 我们相信所有投入其中的贡献者,都应该分享公平的回报,为创造者提供持续的动力和鼓舞,来实现更多的创想;我们也相信所有感兴趣的受众,都应该享有公平的参与,因为我们不希望任何人因为经济原因而无法探索他们的潜能或兴趣,实现生命的最大价值。


