
第十七期驻校艺术家报名|开场演出 Registration of The 17th Artist-in-Residence Programme|welcome show

Mon, 10 Jun 2019 20:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Mon, 10 Jun 2019 20:30:00 GMT+08


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    它可以是肢体的精密部署,或本能的随性律动,音乐的另类演绎 语言的演变表达。也可以是一台好戏或 一场游戏,真实故事或架空想象。摘掉艺术的桂冠,现代舞就是一个与自己全身心共处的时刻,一切都等待发生。

    如果你曾对现代舞有过向往,却从未走进它,这将是一次绝佳的机会。在你的人生中,和现代舞进行一次亲密接触。探索自我,突破界限 ,把自己交给直觉 ,回到最初的自然本能,来一场身与心灵的对话,随心而舞。



    日期:2019610 周一







    ·阿布勒( Jean Abreu舞团艺术总监、编舞家),出生于巴西,在英国开始其舞蹈生涯,是一名在英国和国际舞蹈界都具有重要影响力的舞蹈家。1999年,让·阿布勒从伦敦拉班现代舞中心毕业后迅速声名鹊起,被公认为现代舞天才。2003年,他的首部编舞作品问世,一举拿下杰伍德编舞家奖 Jerwood Choreography Award)2009年,他创办了以自己名字命名的舞蹈团。此后在英国(包括伦敦皇家歌剧院、伦敦南岸艺术中心、伦敦舞伞舞蹈节和爱丁堡 Fringe艺术节等)、荷兰、德国、西班牙、意大利、塞浦路斯、巴西、乌克兰、克罗地亚和墨西哥等世界多国巡回演出。他还曾经在伦敦The Place舞蹈中心和伦敦东边舞蹈团( Dance East)担任客座艺术家。



    第十七期驻校艺术家Jean Abreu,带你打开身体,重新认识你自己。









    In real life, 85% of our time might be consumed by others; but in modern dance, you are the master of yourself. It could be a deliberate body control or natural motion, a remarkable interpretation of music, or the evolving expression of language. It could also be a good show or a dramatic game, a true story or an imaginary tale. Removing the laurel of art, modern dance is waiting for things to happen. It is a moment you are with your own body and soul. If you have been longing to try modern dance but never had a chance, this will be the best time for you to have an intimate acquaintance with modern dance.



    Date: 10 June, Mon.

    Time: 20:00-20:40 (*20 min performance)

    Venue: Student Centre 301



    Jean Abreu (Artistic Director of Jean Abreu Dance / Choreographer). Born in Brazil and grown up in UK, who is an influential choreographer in UK and all around the world. Jean graduated from Laban Centre for Contemporary Dance, acknowledged as ‘Contemporary Dance Genius’ and rapidly rose to fame afterwards. Jean choreographed his first work in 2003 and later that year was honoured with the Jerwood Choreography Award. Jean founded Jean Abreu Dance in 2009 and since then, his works have toured throughout the UK(including Royal Opera House, Southbank Art Centre, London Dance Umbrella, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, etc), Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Brazil, Ukraine, Croatia, Mexico, etc. Jean was also engaged as Visiting Artist of The Place Dance Centre and Dance East Company of London. 

    Exploring who you are,

    Breaking the boundaries,

    Let intuition take control,

    And start a conversation with your body and soul.

    Follow your heart and dance!

    [Artist-in-Residence Programme]


    In 2016, the University initiated the Artist-in-Residence Programme to create an artistic atmosphere on campus and to elevate student's aesthetic taste. We regularly invite top artists from various fields to reside on campus, create artworks and hold workshops with students. 


    The programme may last 5-10 days or 1-2 months. Artists will work with or guide students to create or appreciate artworks through workshop or lectures. Artists will also take into account resources available off campus to contribute towards our development.




    1. 从香港中文大学(深圳)东门进入校园最靠近活动地点哦。

    2. 进入校园时,出示活动行电子门票安保人员会更快速放行呢。

    3. 进入校园后,留意观察地贴、指示牌,跟着指引能更方便地找到活动地点噢。



    1. 信息学院:329, 353, 365, 802, 839, B852, E5, E6, E7高峰专线33高峰专线35高峰专线44

    2. 信息学院东:B852, M318, M322, M367, M386


    1. 大运中心体育场:m315路,m322路,m367a线,m367b线

    2. 大运中心:365路,802路,839路,e27路,e6路,m315路,m318路,m367a线,m367b线,m386路,m446路,m447






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