
TEDxBJTU 2017: Sublation | TEDx北京交通大学 2017年度大会:扬弃

2017年5月27日 18:30 ~ 2017年5月27日 22:30







    In philosophy, Sublation is used by Hegel to explain what happens when a thesis and antithesis interact, and in this sense is translated mainly as "sublate". It is quite common in ordinary German speech: "it is what you do when something has fallen to the floor. Something may be picked up in order that it will no longer be there; on the other hand, I may also pick it up to keep it".

    As the theme for this event, we want to spread the idea that everything has a good side and a bad side, we should reject the dross and assimilate the essences. Then, achieve the goal as we expect.


    Venue:Jiayuan Hotel, F12 banquet hall, No. 6 Daliushu Road, Haidian District, Beijing

    2017年5月27日周六|Saturday, May 27th, 2017 

    18:30 - 22:30



    Session One

    ·共同点:创业 突破本身所学 突破限制 肆意畅想

    ·Similarities: Start-ups, renew what they’ve learned, outbreak the limits, and set their minds free.


    ·Keywords: Brilliant smiths, pick out and quench, recreate to the true steel.

    ·Section简介:用之所学,为之我用。多年的应试教育禁锢住了我们的头脑,固定的模式和套路限制了我们的思考。The more you know, the more you don’t know. 专业知识只是一些知识,他无法把我们关在他的牢笼中,我们是活生生的人,我们需要为自己发声,为社会发声。何为创业,就是让自己天马行空的想法照进现实。没有计划过梦想,那他永远不会有实现的那一天。如果有梦想,勇敢去追寻,不要让琐碎的一切牵绊住前行的脚。有得必有失,学会“舍弃”,趁年轻,砥砺前行。

    ·Intro: learn what we learn, and manual it on our own. For years of education mechanism has settled the solidified routines for us as students, somehow those what shut our minds down transfer ourselves from innovative people to exam-oriented dullards. Then the more you know, the more you don’t know. What we are learning as our majors should not confine ourselves from being alive and to make our voices heard by this society. When we forge our imagination into the reality this can be called start-ups. The dreams we have made are to be realized or we’d ever dreamed, the reality is to be overthrown or we are never making changes. Learn to take and to discard, and that is the spirit of being youngsters.



    Session Two:

    ·共同点:打破传统领域局限 运用新技术

    ·Similarities: breach the limits of tradition and manual the new techs.


    ·Keywords: Biting through, out the cocoon pupae reborn, into butterfly and lives its new life.


    ·Intro: The tide of new technology has come by, likewise popularize of the computer in the information reformation, as a kind of fashion and trend that most of us won’t say no. Thousand years ago it never ever comes to minds of the human being, that the plane in the sky, submarine dives into the sea, and their hand-drawing maps on the canvas are outdated far behind by the remote sensing and GIS system…People are curious for the unknown and few can make unknown known to apply into the present. Now in the first place, our speakers overcome the traditional thinking pattern and then they combine the technology and their design together and achieved extraordinary. So, to inherit the old one and develop the new? Or to establish the whole new by venturing different path? This is a question. In today’s world, unchanged remains behind. To take step forward may take us to a new universe.


    Session Three:

    ·共同点:在同一个领域执着探索 认真坚守

    ·Similarities: explore in the same field and persist to it



    ·Keywords: keep and stay, accumulate and embrace, then to thrive and flourish.



    ·Intro: we advocate innovation and encourage for reform, we also appreciate the courageous efforts of sharing the new and vigorous thinking pattern. But we also respect the Persistence, which we admit that it is an essential as part of Sublation, and the primary part. What is Sublation, is discard the old and embrace the new, not totally a whole new but what remains should be the essence. Something in the progress of Zheng and Lu should follow the rules of changed and discarded, but their tracks are fixed, and all what they have achieved are out of their passion for what they love.

    In other words, how come this is not a means of sublation? We should not fix our mind in the same mode. By changing to another perspective, the process of Sublation is not generated from the form, what you safe or what you give. It could be a transit mentally and could be a fostered habitual behavior in life, all of which can we call it Sublation, after all, you have become a better you.







    • 汪必雄


    • 李昕泽


    • 马禹


    • Solo


    • Dannie


    • Sumi






    • FUYE 6年前 0


    • ???? 康Sir. 7年前 0


      • TEDxBJTU 7年前

        回复@???? 康Sir.:结合扬弃这个主题,各个嘉宾结合自己的经历来讲述他们对于扬弃的理解。



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