
Startup Grind西安|科技女性的生存指南A Survival Guide For Tech Ladies

Sun, 26 May 2019 17:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 26 May 2019 20:00:00 GMT+08
Startup Grind 西安


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    StartupGrind Xi'an 炉边访谈#8 


     A survival guide for tech-ladies

       每年的五月,Startup Grind全球创业者社群都会给那些奋斗着的女性创业者、投资人和创造者 一个分享展示的舞台。去年,Startup Grind 在世界范围内一共举办了200场 “SG 女性月“的主题活动,西安分部也给带来了一场以”女性创业“为主题的分享活动。今年,Startup Grind Xi'an 聚焦于科技女性这一少数群体,邀请两位活跃在国际科创领域的女英雄,分享她们在科创领域的成长经历。

       Dear grinders, Startup Grind Women Month is coming again !   Last year, Startup Grind held a total of 200 "SG Women's Month" thematic events worldwide, and our Xi'an Chapter also brought a "women's entrepreneurship" thematic panel discussion. This year, Startup Grind Xi'an will focus on women in tech field, a minority group, and we invited Jill Tang, co-founder of Ladies Who Tech, an international women's technology platform, and Sophie Yao, China General Manager of Fenox VC, to share their growth experiences in the field of tech and  innovation.



    Topics 探讨的话题

    科技 + 女性领导 + 创业融资

    Tech + Female Leadership + Funding


    Is gender weakness psychological or real?


    How to choose the major and career of science and technology?


    What are the opportunities and challenges for women in science and technology?


    Is the current entrepreneurship ecosystem still male-dominated?


    How do female founders stand out and get funding?


    What a good female leader can bring to enterprises and society?


    Speaker 嘉宾


    Jill Tang

    Ladies Who Tech 

    Co-founder 联合创始人

       Jill Tang是一位连续创业者,是Ladies Who Tech的联合创始人。她还是关键意见领袖和双语主持人,也登上过TEDx的舞台。 她就诸如女性在科技,创新,多元化和包容以及创业等方面都发表过强有力的演讲。 Jill 还被邀请担任大型技术会议的双语主持人,如2019年微软创业创新日,2019年硅谷举办的SAP d.Kom开发者日,比荷卢商会慈善晚宴。 2016年,Jill被奥巴马总统发起并主办的全球创业峰会选为上海唯一一位代表中国创业公司的女性企业家。 同年,她被提名为2016年澳大利亚中国青年校友的入围者。Jill 拥有墨尔本商学院的MBA学位,蒙纳士大学的应用金融硕士学位以及拉筹伯大学的商业学士学位。

       Jill Tang is a serial entrepreneur, key opinion leader and bilingual eMCEE. She is co-founder of Ladies Who Tech and a TEDx speaker. She was also invited to be the moderator and eMCEE big tech convention such as 2019 Microsoft for Startup Innovation day, 2019 SAP d.Kom developer day, BenCham Charity Gala dinner, LOEWE fragrance product launch in 2018.

       In 2016, Jill has been selected as the only female entrepreneur from Shanghai to represent startups in China at global entrepreneurship summit initiated and hosted by President Obama. In the same year, she was nominated as the finalist for 2016 Australia China Young Alumni of the Year. 

       She holds MBA from Melbourne Business School. She also holds Master of Applied Finance from Monash University as well as Bachelor of Commerce from La Trobe University.

    Ladies who tech.png

       Ladies Who Tech 由从事STEM的女性发起并创立。通过挑战现状并帮助和鼓励更多的女性来发现自己在STEM领域的潜力并参与进来。我们希望提高社会对科技产业女性从业人员缺乏的认识,并帮助公司招聘更多的女性从事STEM行业进而提高公司的多元化。官网:http://www.ladieswhotech.cn/

       Ladies Who Tech was started by women who are in the STEM industries and believe in challenging the status quo by encouraging more women to assist and discover their potential in STEM. We want to raise awareness of the lack of women in the STEM industries and help companies to have more diversity.


    Sophie Yao

    Fenox Venture Capital Inc.

    GM of China 中国区总经理

       姚晓菲现任Fenox风险投资公司中国区的总经理,主要负责中国区基金组建及募资,投资标的发掘,商务拓展,投资关系及加速器管理。姚晓菲曾在Intel和微软工作,有超过7年的公司管理,资源整合,投资标的发掘以及创业相关的经验, 在Fenox期间参与投资管理Vicarious, Deepgram, Ossia等著名硅谷人工智能公司 。她毕业于澳洲昆士兰大学科学工程系,并拿到了材料科学工程硕士学位。

       Sophie Yao is currently the general manager of Fenox Venture Capital in China. She is mainly responsible for fund formation and fundraising in China, exploration of investment targets, business development, investment relations and accelerator management. 

       Sophie has worked for Intel and Microsoft for more than seven years in company management, resource integration, investment target discovery and entrepreneurship related experience. During Fenox, she participated in investment management Vicarious, Deepgram, Ossia and other famous Silicon Valley AI companies. 

    She graduated from the Department of Science and Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia, with a Master's degree in Materials Science Engineering.


    Fenox Venture Capital 是总部位于美国硅谷的国际风险投资公司,成立于2011年,专注于帮助企业家实现在北美,亚洲,中东和欧洲的全球扩张与变革。其第一笔基金由欧洲的一家大公司投资,其他著名的 LP 包括SEGA (世嘉)、SunnyHealth、华硕、纬创、Infocom 等,管理全球25支基金,基金总规模超过16亿美元。Fenox VC中国团队主要负责募资、中国投资项目搜寻、中国创投生态建设和创业世界杯中国站品牌活动,致力于帮助初创企业在中国和全球的发展并提供工作坊和大企业资源对接等。

    Fenox VC 投资主要集中于高科技领域,包括人工智能、物联网、医疗大健康、汽车(自动驾驶等)、量子计算等,投资阶段涵盖种子轮到pre-IPO(pre-IPO 项目主要在日本),目前投资超过140个项目,包括Vicarious(模仿大脑计算原理为机器人开发通用智能的AI公司)、Rigetti (美国顶尖的量子计算机公司)、Affectiva(面部情绪识别 AI)、Moka(金融科技)等。2018年 Fenox VC 被 VentureBeat 评为全球人工智能领域六大投资机构之一。 官网:www.fenoxvc.com


    Violet Chen

    Startup Grind Chengdu

    Chapter Director

    陈心乐活跃于互联网科技、投资和创业生态系统,是麋鹿医药和灯塔投资的联合创始人和投资者关系总监。麋鹿医药是专注于女性健康的国际诊断公司,灯塔投资是总部位于纽约,一家专注于尖端医疗科技的投资管理公司。她成立了两家创业公司分别提供商务智能和数字化解决方案服务。心乐也致力于在成都建设国际科技和创业社区。她创办了西南地区首个国际黑客马拉松UNLEASH,其首次亮相得到了中国公路物流独角兽货车帮的支持。她还是由Techstars支持的创业周末的组织者。心乐曾是独立电影制片人、WPP集团Mediacom的广告策划、跨欧艺术项目顾问以及东南亚高端科技投资会议Wild Digital的创始组织者。

    Heavily involved in technology, investing, and startup ecosystem, Violet is Cofounder and Head of Investor Relations at Milu Labs, an international diagnostics startup focusing on women’s health; Turret Capital, an investment management firm focusing on cutting-edge healthcare technologies, headquartered in New York. She co-founded 2 startups in Business Intelligence and digital solutions. Violet is also an active builder of international tech and startup communities in Chengdu. She founded Southwest China’s first international hackathon UNLEASH, whose debut was supported by China’s largest highway logistics company Truck Alliance.  She is also an organizer of Startup Weekend powered by Techstars. Violet was previously an independent film producer, art consultant, market strategist for WPP Group’s Mediacom, and event organizer for SEA’s premium tech and investment conference Wild Digital.

    Date & Time 时间

    2019. 5. 26th(周日/Sun.)  17:30-20:00

    17:30 Sign in 签到 & 茶歇 

    18:00 Introduction & Icebreaker 开场介绍 & 融冰

    18:10 Jill's Presentation 嘉宾介绍: Ladies Who Tech 

    18:20 Panel Talk 主题讨论

    19:20 Q&A 互动答疑

    19:40 Networking 自由交流


    Fee 门票

    早鸟票 Early Bird: 15.5 RMB(限时出售)

    (包含茶歇,一份纪念礼物 Includes dessert, drinks, and a gift)

    Venue 场地

    西安 欧亚大道 亚马逊AWS联合创新中心  6 层

    6th AWS Innovation Center

    (注:百度地图请搜“aws联合创新中心”;微信定位请搜“西安亚马逊AWS联合创新中心” )

    (If you have any problem of finding the venue, please reach out to Grace, wechat: 18991842351)


    特别感谢-赞助方  Big thanks to our sponsor


    北京兆维博安科技有限公司是一家致力于IT行业高技术含量项目拓展的高科技企业,凭借多年积累得丰富网络经验,整合世界领先技术产品,向业界提供全方位的云服务,系统集成,网络解决方案及全套实施和售后服务。致力于成为业界最可信赖的信息技术解决方案和服务提供商。兆维博安隶属于北京兆维电子(集团)有限责任公司(成立于1957年,其前身是国营北京有线电总厂,是国家“一五”计划期间156项重点工程之一。)官网: http://www.cwboan.com/


    关于 Startup Grind 

    Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 2,000,000 entrepreneurs in over 500 cities. We nurture startup ecosystems in 125 countries through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Startups.

    Startup Grind 创业磨坊是一个教育、启发并连接企业家的全球性独立创业社区。通过举办活动、媒体传播以及与Google for Entrepreneurs等组织的合作,我们在全球150个国家、超过500个城市推动当地创业生态系统的进一步完善,为1500000位创业者提供帮助。


     The cornerstone of our global community is monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators,and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies.

    每个月我们都会邀请到具有影响力的企业创始人、创新者、教育者以及投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创业道路上所得到的经验和教训。从2010在硅谷创立,Startup Grind已经成功帮助数以百万计的创业家与导师、合作伙伴、新雇员建立联系,找到投资资金和新用户。

    We believe in making friends, not contacts; giving, not taking; helping others before helping yourself.



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    Startup Grind 西安

    Startup Grind 西安

    创业磨坊 (www.startupgrind.com)是一个全球性的旨在教育,激励,和链接企业家们的社区,本机构为谷歌的官方合作伙伴。我们每个月在全世界85个国家20个城市组织活动,采访本地的企业创始人,创新者,教育者及投资人,他们会和本地的创业社区分享他们的个人旅程以及建造伟大公司路上的经验教训。

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