

Sat, 17 May 2014 14:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 17 May 2014 17:30:00 GMT+08
SheTalks | 她说


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    关注时代女性的发展已经成为社会热点。女性扮演着比过去更重要的社会角色。当代女性的婚姻,职业生活平衡和规划也逐渐的被越来越多的个体,群体和媒体关注。Lean In Beijing的女性智囊团圈子作为一个报道20-35岁女性创业,家庭事业平衡,寻找自我,实现自我的自媒体平台将迎来5月份的线下活动女性分享会。此次的分享会主题我们将侧重于讨论女性在自我探索的过程中所面临的性别识别问题,以及在这些问题中产生的困惑。借此我们将邀请三位来自不同背景行业的女嘉宾与我们共同分享和探讨这一话题。

    The role of women in modern society has become a hot-topic. Women are playing a more important role than they have in the past; and women's choices about marriage, family life, work-life balance and career plans, have all become subjects for public debate. Lean In Beijing - Think Tank Circle, as a self-developed media platform to cover women's stories on  female entrepreneur, work-life balance and finding self, will hold it's May offline event for the circle gathering on this Saturday May 17th. The primary topic for this time will be focusing on the female gender identity and the issues you may have  while in the self-discovering stage. Given that we will invite 3 speakers with a different background to share their experiences and stories with us.


    1.黄璟,毕业于复旦大学(本科)和伦敦经济学院(硕士),曾经任职麦肯锡咨询、德意志银行和比尔及梅林达• 盖茨基金会,在撒哈拉沙漠以南的西非工作半年,作为志愿者参与当地农民的小额融资工作,并为Sushi & Tapas一书撰写了自己的故事:Searching for faith,以及参与了女性微电影网站GirlsEPIC的访谈:寻找--梦之所在。

    Huang Jing (Jing), graduated from Fudan University(Bachelor)and London School of Economics (Master).Her working experiences includes McKinsey & Company, Deutsche Bank and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She was once a volunteer on a micro-finance project for cocoa farmers in West Africa, and contributed her story there "Searching for faith" to "Sushi & Tapas", a book by and for young women. She also participated in the micro-movies by GirlsEPIC, with the theme of "searching for your own dreams".

    2.Irene LYL Lu was born in New York City and it was there, she attended Fashion Institute of Technology to specialize in intimate apparel and corsetry. Shortly after, she launched a career in various luxury lingerie brands while obtaining intimate customer-based relationships with women from prestigious beauty brands.  In 2009, she moved to Beijing to explore her Asian heritage in film, theater, costume and design and so it didn't take long for LYL to become the sole gardener of PILLOWBOOK. She is dedicated to promoting the beauty of petite breasts in its natural shape, without any padding. Her ultimate passion is to revive and modernize the classic Chinese lingerie which she refers to as the "Chinese Chemise". Yes, she is obsessed.

    3.潮兴娟,北京大学化学系本科,康奈尔大学生物物理博士,北京电影学院电影摄像进修。曾任职麦肯锡咨询公司(北京),ClimateWorks Foundation (旧金山) ,诺华 全球总部制药全球战略部(巴塞尔,瑞士)主要负责药物临床研发,罗氏/Genentech 研发与产品战略部(旧金山)。同时正在创建自己的首饰品牌 (旧金山)。

    Xingjuan (Jane) Chao: B.S. in Chemistry Department, Peking University; Ph.D. in Biophysics, Cornell University, Cinematography in Beijing Film Academy.  Worked at McKinsey & Company (Beijing), ClimateWorks Foundation (San Francisco), Novartis Global Pharma Strategy (Basel, Switzerland) on drug development, Roche/Genentech Portfolio Management (San Francisco). Starting her own jewelry brand in San Francisco.


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